


Python project developed with Poetry

Poems Registry

.poetry-poems file that stores paths to all poems available to poetry-poems. It is created in your $HOME directory.

Interactive Switcher

Choose your poem from a prepopulated list with an interactive switcher. Adding poems to the Poem Registry is required, see: Add a new poem.

$ poems

Choosing a poem will cd into the project directory and activate the corresponding Poetry Shell.


Add a new poem

Before using Poems to activate a poem, its path has to be added to the Poems Registry:

$ poems --add <project_path>
$ poems --add $PWD
$ poems --add .


Virtual environments created with Poetry (poetry shell) by default are kept in poetry config virtualenvs.path. They do not store paths to projects (as you may use the same virtual environment in multiple projects). However, it is possible to get a link from the project to the corresponding Poetry virtual environment. Therefore, Poems takes advantage of a hidden file .poetry-poems that is created to store paths to Poetry projects.

.venv in project

In case you would like to activate a poem with a virtual environment located in the project directory (created by Poetry or with virtualenv), please make sure that Poetry is configured correctly in the project directory:

$ cd <project_path>
$ poetry config --local true

Currently, virtual environments called .venv are supported.


This command is helpful to see the virtual environment associated with Poetry project:

$ poetry env list --full-path

Keyboard Shortcuts

The Interactive environment switcher accepts the following commands:

  • UP + DOWN: Scroll through the list

  • ENTER: Select and activate the poem

  • ESC: Exit Poems

  • LEFT + RIGHT: See the detailed information about each poem

  • QUERY: Start writing a poem name to filter the list

  • BACKSPACE: Delete last character from filter term

  • DEL: Clear filter

Activate a poem from the Command Line

Activate a project directly by writing poems followed by a poem name:

$ poems project1

If a query term (eg. proj) matches more than one project, the Interactive Switcher will launch with the list filtered by the entered query term.

Other commands

List Environments


This command will list all poems saved in Poems Registry:

$ poems --list


BBreaker *
MemoryMuppets *
venv_by_virtualenv *
venv_by_poetry *
not_poetry_project *
not_existent_project *

See more details about each poem:

$ poems --list --verbose


POETRY_HOME: /.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs

BBreaker *
    Environment:         ~.cache~pypoetry~virtualenvs~bbreaker-z2QUBx6S-py3.9
    Binary:              Python 3.9.1
    Project Dir:         ~apps~BBreaker

MemoryMuppets *
    Environment:         ~.cache~pypoetry~virtualenvs~memorymuppets-HTGmVbtZ-py3.8
    Binary:              Python 3.8.7
    Project Dir:         ~apps~MemoryMuppets

venv_by_virtualenv *
    Environment:         ~apps~venv_by_virtualenv~.venv
    Binary:              Python 3.8.7
    Project Dir:         ~apps~venv_by_virtualenv

venv_by_poetry *
    Environment:         ~apps~venv_by_poetry~.venv
    Binary:              Python 3.7.9
    Project Dir:         ~apps~venv_by_poetry

not_poetry_project *
    Environment:         -- Not configured --
    Binary:              -- Not configured --
    Project Dir:         ~apps~not_poetry_project

not_existent_project *
    Environment:         -- Not configured --
    Binary:              -- Not configured --
    Project Dir:         ~apps~not_existent_project

Delete poem

This deletes only a path to the poem from the Poems Registry. The project and virtual environment remain untouched.

$ poems --delete not_poetry_project


Are you sure you want to delete: '/apps/not_poetry_project' from poems file? [y/N]: y
Poem 'not_poetry_project' deleted from poems file

Custom Poems Registry

It is possible to use custom Poems Registry file (in case you work on microservices belonging to one particular project):

$ poems --poems_file <custom_poems_file>

Usage Help

The list of available commands together with short descriptions can be accessed right in the command line:

$ poems --help